〜みんなのSRHR座談会2:国や地域を超えて連帯しよう〜 SRHRバックラッシュのクロスポイント:包括的性教育(CSE)とLGBTQ+
- アドボカシー
- イベント告知
- 自分の身体は自分のものであり、プライバシーや個人の自主性が尊重されること
- 自分の性的指向、性自認、性表現を含めたセクシュアリティについて自由に定義できること
- 性的な行動をとるかとらないか、とるなら、その時期を自分で決められること
- 自由に性のパートナーを選べること
- 性体験が安全で楽しめるものであること
- いつ、誰と、結婚するか、それとも結婚しないかを選べること
- 子どもを持つかどうか、持つとしたらいつ、どのように、何人の子どもを持つかを選べること
- 上記に関して必要な情報、資源、サービス、支援を生涯にわたって得られ、これらに関していついかなる時も差別、強制、搾取、暴力を受けないこと
本座談会では国際、日本それぞれのバックラッシュの傾向、これまでの経験から連帯するポイントを見つけることを目的とします。 みなさまのご参加をお待ちしています。
開催日時 | 2024年4月22日(月)18:00~19:30 |
主催 | 公益財団法人ジョイセフ、国際家族計画連盟(IPPF) |
場所 | 都内会場(赤坂周辺)及びオンライン(ハイブリッド開催) |
言語 | 日本語・英語 *同時通訳あり |
情報保障 | Zoomの字幕機能をご利用いただけます。会場参加の方はZoom接続できるデバイスをご持参ください。会場でWifi接続を共有いたします。 |
- 登壇者
- ・アルバロ・ベルメホさん (国際家族計画連盟(IPPF) 事務局長)
・ファドア・バハッダさん (国際家族計画連盟(IPPF) アラブ世界地域事務局長)
- 司会
- ・草野洋美 (公益財団法人ジョイセフ シニア・アドボカシー・オフィサー、W7 Italyアドバイザー)
公益財団法人ジョイセフ アドボカシーグループ advocacy@joicfp.or.jp

SRHR Backlash Cross-points: Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and LGBTQ+
-SRHR Dialogue 2: Let’s unite beyond national and regional borders-
Backlash on SRHR is spreading rapidly across the world. In particular, bashing and attack on Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and sexual minorities are intensifying. Under the current volatile world situation, stances on SRHR of some governments with conservative beliefs and those of global south which are often forced to navigate intricate webs of diplomacy with its donors are shifting. Global SRHR advocacy organizations including IPPF are taking countermeasures and are calling for stronger solidarity.
In Japan, online/offline attacks on LGBTQ+ people have intensified after the LGBT understanding promotion law was enacted in June 2023. Especially, discriminately speech directed at transwomen is escalating and threatening the safety of transgender community as a whole, who are even more vulnerable to marginalization.
At the same time, unfounded online bashing of CSE is also increasing. While CSE is recommended by UN agencies and based on scientific data, attacks are stirred up with unsubstantiated claims such as forcing young children to be sexually educated and sexual corruptness induced.
SRHR is a fundamental human right.
According to the report of the Guttmacher–Lancet Commission
“All individuals have a right to make decisions governing their bodies and to access services that support that right. Achievement of sexual and reproductive health relies on the realisation of sexual and reproductive rights, which are based on the human rights of all individuals to:
- have their bodily integrity, privacy, and personal autonomy respected;
- freely define their own sexuality, including sexual orientation and gender identity and expression;
- decide whether and when to be sexually active;
- choose their sexual partners;
- have safe and pleasurable sexual experiences;
- decide whether, when, and whom to marry;
- decide whether, when, and by what means to have a child or children, and how many children to have;
- have access over their lifetimes to the information, resources, services, and support necessary to achieve all the above, free from discrimination, coercion, exploitation, and violence.”
To protect SRHR for all.
This Dialogue aims to find out the current trend of backlashes in Japan and the world, and we will try to find out how we could unite based on past experiences.
Date | Monday 22 April 2024, 18:00-19:30 |
Organised by | JOICFP, IPPF |
Venue | Onsite in Tokyo/Zoom (Hybrid held) |
Language | English and Japanese *Simultaneous interpretation available |
Information Accessibility | Please use the subtitle function on Zoom. For the on-site participants, please bring a device to connect to zoom. A Wi-Fi access key will be shared at the venue. |
- Speakers
- ・Alvaro Bermejo (Director General, International Planned Parenthood Federation: IPPF)
・Fadoua Bakhadda (Arab World Regional Director, International Planned Parenthood Federation: IPPF)
・Yutori Takai (Associate Professor, Faculty of Informatics, Gunma University, Ethicist)
・Soshi Matsuoka (President of Fair)
・Mieko Tashiro (Vice-President of Saitama University in charge of Diversity Promotion, Professor of Faculty of Education)
- MC
- ・Hiromi Kusano (Senior Advocacy Officer, JOICFP, W7 Italy Advisor)
*This event aims to create a safe and secure place for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions and sexual characteristics. Please note that we accept participants who support opposing gender-based discrimination, exploitation, and oppression only.
JOICFP Advocacy Group: advocacy@joicfp.or.jp